Mission Statement
St. Francis Alliance: Faithful Voices for Animals is a group of Catholics and other people of good will committed to seeking a just and compassionate world for all creatures. Inspired by Pope Francis’s encyclical on integral ecology, Laudato Si’, we aim to foster dialogue, to educate, and to act faithfully in our daily choices to promote the inherent value of animals, who share our common home.
Our Story
We began as a very small group, inspired by the breadth of references for the need to treat animals with Christ-like consideration and compassion, in Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’. We gathered to discuss these themes on a regular basis, hosting small group teleconferences on various topics on the encyclical and animals. From there, a core team comprised mostly of Roman Catholics with professional and academic backgrounds in animals emerged, and our current group, St. Francis Alliance: Faithful Voices for Animals was born a few months later at a potluck at a farm animal sanctuary in Maryland. We are enthused by the numbers of people from across the United States and various parts of the world who have joined us for conversation and fellowship since our inception.